Friday, August 19, 2011

Free Advice Friday

So ladies, what is weighing on your hearts and minds today?

This morning I went to get Grace up at about 7:20 and she rather cheerily said, “Mommy, is it my first day of school?”  “No,” I said, “Not until Monday!” “Then I am going back to sleep!”

All this from the little girl who has been bright eyed and bushy tailed by quarter after six all summer!

With the impending start of school, I know Grace will be fine, I know my husband will be fine (he has been itching to be back since, oh, the last day of his internship!), but me I am not so sure about.

 My sweet baby boy will enjoy the quite of the house with everyone else occupied…and he is liable to get some extra mom time when I give up and quit trying to get it all done.

I logged into Blackboard to see if my course is posted. Indeed, it was. I have never been so scared by a syllabus! I am only taking one class these eight weeks, but between the text book – whose pages look like the internet on crack- and the syllabus with two 56 page problem sets a week I can already feel myself checking out.

That is NOT a good place to start, now is it?

We have finished the whole summer’s end To Do List, which is a good feeling, but I still have many projects on my plate and school LOOMING on the horizon. I find myself at a loss. I can’t seem to pin down where to start or what to do.  There is so much to tackle and a feeling that I will never accomplish it all…or even enough of it…

Where do you start? How do you overcome those feeling? Or avoid them in the first place?

Ladies, please do tell!


  1. I know the feeling well. I started back to school as an adult, too! Thankfully I don't have any classes this semester, though. But as I think about the summer, I want to hang on to it. It seemed so short, but my kids did so much traveling! I waited until the very last minute to get anything done...actually, I'm nowhere near ready! The boy starts LU on Monday and he has no books. I JUST decided a couple of days ago what curriculum the girl will even be using, haven't even thought about ordering her books yet! I did finally break the news to her that she'll have to start a week earlier than she's used to, so that she can take the full month off at Christmastime that her brother gets!
    Anyway, no advice, just know that you aren't alone...many are overwhelmed and many just want summer laziness to linger. We'll all just have to take it one step at a time. Today, get yourself a schedule together!

  2. I don't have any real advice.....except to just start the schoolwork - don't put it off. I have many students each term who are overwhelmed right at the beginning, and they put off doing anything. Then they're behind from the start and get more overwhelmed each week. Not good!!

  3. Thanks for the advice and commiserating! I just need to get over the need to do it all at once. I need to plan the work and work the plan...I have started doing that with the house work and it feel so much easier...and the house looks to clean to clean :) So I have my schoolwork planned for this week and I have time set aside to start on it tomorrow...and I mean isn't just procrastination!
