Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bumper to Bumper

So it is Wednesday….

I was going to write about songs that make me think of God…like songs that aren’t about God but should be, but then I took my little girl to her fun Wednesday adventure and on the way I had two experiences with other drivers that I have to share …

First, I followed this orange X Terra with a dozen stickers on the backend. I am sure they all said insightful, poignant things – BUT – I could not read a single one of them. NOT ONE!  So let me offer a little advice: before you put a sticker on your car stick it on the fridge or the wall and then back up at least as far as you hope other drivers will be from the rear end of your car and see if you can read it! If you can’t don’t put it on your car, you will only aggravate other drivers on the interstate!!!

Secondly, I followed a Hyundai Santa Fe with a political campaign sticker, well I followed her until I could get around her – because she was driving s   l    o   w    l   y on the interstate – and not just only the speed limit slow. Try 5 under!  Talking on her cell…My advice on this one is twofold. First, if you want to continue to talk on your phone while you drive don’t drive stupid. It only gives groups against distracted driving fodder. Granted, maybe you were a bad driver before you picked up the phone, but a little effort goes a long way…and the Second piece of advice is this…Once you put that sticker for that candidate on your car you are representing that candidate so drive to make them proud, be polite to other drivers, follow the rules of the road, keep your car clean and in good repair. Think about how your represent them, think about what others will think of you and in turn them based on your driving and conduct on the roadways. Maybe this the marketer in me over reacting, but I know if I ever run for office bumper stickers will not be on my campaign trail!

So now share this with all your friends and the roads might be a little safer and more enjoyable to travel. Oh, and check back next week to see what Wednesdays are really all about here at The Things I am Made of.


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