I love music. I love the stories that songs tell. I love the emotions that you can feel in the rhythms. One of the few times I really get to enjoy music is when I drive alone in my car, which is rarely. When I do I get to really listen and mull the words over.
And I am funny about songs, if the lyrics aren’t up to my high standards it is over… (because I am such a high brow music connoisseur!) There is a song that has a lyric “ Like a bird, I be.” It makes me crazy…I turn the song off, click!
But other songs fill my heart…and that is what Wrong Words Wednesday is about.
I have a friend who goes to a church in Richmond and she just loves the music. She had never heard Bonnie Raitt’s* “Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About” before and they played it once and she could not stop signing it and had NO IDEA it was not a praise song! Of course some of the words had been changed.
How many other songs are like this? How many songs did the recording artist intend one thing and yet we hear another? (Or I am I the only person who does this?)
Maybe I should call it Right Words Wednesday…because to me these songs are so much more when I think of them as songs to praise God!
Just one of my many
blessing that I praise God for!
This week the song I want to share is a Diamond Rio song – Love a Little Deeper.
The words that resonate with me are:
Love a little stronger
Dig a little deeper,
Go a little farther
Anything to please you girl,
Tonight I'm gonna start all over
Show you girl what's in my heart,
Ooooooh gonna love a little stronger
That is how I feel about God…That is what I want to sing to Him!
Love a little stronger
Dig a little deeper,
Go a little further
Anything to please you Lord!
Tonight I’m gonna start all over
Show you God, what’s in my heart
Ooooooh gonna love a little stronger!
I shared this with my husband and we talked about it…and it brought to mind a song from Godspell, Day by Day.
Day by day
Oh Dear Lord
Three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
Love thee more dearly
Follow thee more nearly
Day by day
This is what I want…How simple does it sound, but how hard it is to attain? This is where I am today…
What songs inspire you? What songs have wrong words? What do you sing in your heart? I would love to hear about it….
* By the way I learned that this song was actually first recorded by Anne Murray!