Friday, October 14, 2011

That's right the Things I Am Made Of shop picture is
an apple picking picture!
I need to start taking notes. I had all sorts of things to say this week and now my mind is empty.

It might be that I finished my first college class in ten years last night, leaving my brain a mushy mess. 

It might be that I am SOOO excited to go apple picking tomorrow and the anticipation of seeing great 804 friends, having lunch at the Tip Top and the upside down apple pie that my amazing husband is going to bake when we get home has me delirious.

No matter what it is, it is Friday and life is G-O-O-D…Good!

But here is where the advice part of Free Advice Friday comes in: How about sharing your favorite apple recipes…because if you have met my husband you know we will come home with AT LEAST 15 pounds of apples!
Now go enjoy this ever improving weather! Happy Friday!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

ETC - Embrace the Camera

Embrace the Camera 

Pre-law school (aka pre-broke as a joke) we had lots of nice things. One of those nice purchases was a digital SLR. Oh, How I love my camera. It makes even the most mediocre pictures better. But this week, my camera is out having professional camera won't ever want to return home after the fun it is going to have this weekend on a real shoot!                                                                                                                                                 
So these pictures are me embracing the camera that is my phone...and not some great new better than most cameras phone. And embrace I shall! The baby boy is smiling and I don't look too fat. YAHOO!          Check out all the other Camera Embracers over at The Anderson Crew!              

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday Words...Make a joyful noise!

She doesn't look very joyful, but she was over
joyed when her hat won her Craziest Hat for
the Cubbies class! 

It is nearly 8 o’clock  - PM – and I am just getting to write…oh Wednesday how you overflow with life! It feels as if every Wednesday this semester has been rainy and that the baby has been sick. I am sure it hasn’t been like that every Wednesday, it just feels like it. It is an improvement over last year – every Wednesday was windy. Not like breezy, but hurricane, gale force winds – on trash day! What a mess! So I can be happy with rain, and we will work to have the boy well, quickly!
Which brings me back to Wednesday…

I have always wished I had a talent that I could carry with me. People who draw can draw anywhere and on anything. People who dance can dance anywhere. People who can sing can sing anywhere. The gifts I do have, which are few, involve loads of equipment and tools.  What a gift to be able to share your gift wherever and whenever!

Even though I can’t sing, I like to sing…when I am by myself. I don’t sing well for many reasons. I have no rhythm despite 3 years of high school percussion. The concept of music notes is very abstract to me.  But I enjoy others singing. I enjoy music. I enjoy lyrics. I enjoy the way music makes me feel, even when it makes me feel sad. I love that music can provoke emotion. I love the universality of music.

Have you ever heard a song you love sung in another language? While visiting family in Branson, Missouri I heard a man sing How Great Thou Art in Hawaiian. Even though I didn’t understand the words, it was beautiful and moving – powerful.  

The youth group that I belonged to in high school did a lot of musical performance, even traveling regionally to other areas to share God’s word in song.  Several of the songs, they sang (I didn’t sing!) were in other languages, some tribal African languages, some sign language.  No matter the language people were always eager to join in.

Singing about God forces you to think about God: whether it is a song of praise or thanksgiving, a song telling the others of His glory, or a song of sorrow for our sins. Singing about God focuses our thoughts and energy on Him. Singing is a beautiful way to share God’s word and God’s love with others. It is a beautiful way to unite to worship Him. It is great when there are musicians and instruments, but even one voice singing God’s praise, sharing God’s word, is a blessing.

So whatever song is in your heart...sing it!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Treasure - My Dad!

Today is my dad’s birthday. He is a pretty amazing guy.

He is patient. He is kind. He can make anything. He is always busy, but not like in a million different directions, just never still. He thinks with his hands the way people talk with their hands. He loves me. He loves my mom. He loves my kids. I think he might even love my husband.

My dad is today’s Tuesday Treasure.

The Etsy treasury is made up of things that my dad loves like burgers and pizza and cookies and Pittsburgh Steelers football.

There are also jigsaw puzzles and kites flying on the beach, model trains, and lots of other good things that make me think of my dad.

And electricity because he loves his job, too.

Happy Birthday Pops!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Made of Monday....

Today i was made of procrastination...maybe tomorrow I will be made of something better.