I recently read Little House on the Prairie to Grace. It was sad and scary and wonderful all at once. And I can’t help but smile when I hear her playing out scenes from the book. She wants a bonnet to let hang down her back like Laura, but she says she wants to be Mary because she is older.
We have read Little House on the Prairie, Charlotte’s Web, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins, Magician’s Nephew, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We have read most of the Dave Barry, Ridley Pearson Peter Pan series, as well.
Each new book brings a new set of playmates – imaginary ones for Grace to play with and make stories around. Each book adds new words (mostly good ones) to her vocabulary. Each book brings hours of questions.
So this week the Tuesday Treasury is things that call to mind some of our favorite literary characters. You will notice I included Anne of Green Gables – Grace has no interest in this book and it makes me sad, as it is my absolute favorite!
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