There is something that I am afraid of and I feel like it is really keeping this blog, my writing from being all that it could be…and y’all are going to say what you want, but I have to tell you…
Quoting scripture…
Not afraid that people will stone me, or disapprove, but that
I will have it all wrong!
That I will have managed to find the verse in the wrong bible,
And I will give the wrong book,
The wrong chapter,
The wrong verse.
It won’t mean what I think it means.
On a moment by moment basis, I am certain the same thing applies to the Glad Text cards I make. I’m just certain I have it all wrong...
I enjoy so much when others share a bit of wisdom, words of comfort, of joy and praise, even of rebuke.
God’s word is such a treasure. I love when folks post scripture on Facebook. The only place I don’t enjoy it is on people’s license plates – how I am I supposed to drive and look that up!!!
It is one thing to quote someone, even someone famous and get it wrong, and it is another to quote God and get it wrong!
But, anyway…So now you know…and I still don’t feel any better about it.
My Girl, My Girl. Your heart is so full! The things I am made of is YOU.