Tuesday Treasures
I am working on keeping my house clean, which for me means getting rid of a few things and making room for living. This is really hard for me. I see potential in so many things. (This is where my husband starts “coughing” hoarder loudly in my direction!)
My plan was to make cards with it, but as I started tearing it apart yesterday I had a friend and her baby on my mind and I was struck…I could make this wallpaper into bibs! Sounds a bit farfetched, I know, but the wallpaper is from 1978 at my best estimate and its all fabric backed and “scrubable” according to the book.
Another project added to the list, but it is one where I have the supplies on hand and will be making good use of something that would have otherwise been trash. Aren’t those some of the best projects?
There are a few pieces that really aren’t bib worthy…but would be great for any number of other things. I will be posting them over at the TIAMO etsy shop.
Be sure to check out the Tuesday Treasure Treasury, too.
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